Efficient facility management at Sartorius
[sip] in energy management
The Goettingen-based pharmaceutical and laboratory supplier, which is listed on the DAX, has around 50 sites worldwide. In addition to manufacturing equipment for the production of biopharmaceuticals, Sartorius manufactures filters, membranes and laboratory instruments, among other products.
Since 2004, Sartorius has been successfully using [sip] as a multi-client system for efficient building management at numerous locations, and since 2012 it has also been used for energy management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50.001.
Goals of an energy management system
according to DIN EN ISO 50.001
- Systematic improvement
- of energy use
- energy consumption
- energy efficiency
- Communication and sensitisation of employees
- Uncovering potential cost savings
- Optimisation of processes
- Security of energy supply
- Transparency of all energy flows in the company
- Reduction of energy costs
- Contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions
Realisation with [sip]
- Energy inspection
- Counter monitoring
- Improvement potentials
- Energetic evaluation
Potentials for improvement with [sip]
Sartorius employees always have the option of entering their ideas simply and directly in the [sip] Improvement module. The respective department reviews and evaluates the suggestions according to effort and benefit in several self-defined dimensions. Finally, a [sip] project is reviewed and, if necessary, derived to implement the measure.
In addition to the potential to extract efficient measures from the minds of employees, the involvement of the entire staff also provides greater transparency and strongly motivates participation in shaping energy management throughout the company.
You have created a happy customer.
Energetic evaluation
The determined, energy-relevant data are compiled, compared and evaluated in [sip]. Finally, maintenance jobs with corresponding priorities are generated, which ensure integrated management that is transparent at all times in the implementation of the measures decided upon.
Counter monitoring is performed by means of annual testing of EMC meters. The cyclic IH actions, beyond the parameters of the energetic evaluation, always include the corresponding measurement protocols.
The Green Building Monitor ultimately provides feedback to employees and offers consumer tips in addition to raising awareness by displaying energy data.